Thursday, June 24, 2010

Digital Trees Don't Smell Good

So this shitbag wrote an article crying because lame-ass newspapers were going out of business because of digital media. Plus, he blames trees. What a PRICK. So here's the deal, peeps:

This is the era of digitized, decentralized, mass media.

Yeah, the big boys are still around, whipping up fear with bullshit propaganda and misinformation wrapped up in loud and bright graphics, but information is flowing like it never has, and because of that, the old ways of sharing information are being made obsolete. The newspapers are dying.

The more that is virtualized, the better. And before people start bawling about the beauty of tactile shit, shuuuuuuuuuut the fuuuuuuuuuuuck up. Seriously. Go camping, buy a used book, get a sexual partner who will allow you to place your clammy hands on them. There are plenty of tactile experiences that await you beyond the virtual world. Yes, there is a danger of closing ourselves in doors because of the digital age...SO DON'T CLOSE YOURSELF UP IN YOUR HOUSE!!! Stop blaming shit for you not going outside and getting a little exercise. The devil did NOT make you do it. Neither did World of Warcraft.

The wealth of media out there means we have to be discerning. We have to check sources. Or not. Who gives a shit? Get lost in searches for obscure information and opinions. Who knows what you'll stumble upon? Maybe you'll stumble upon this blog and begin exploring agorist and post-civilization ideas? The decentralized media dumps information on you, and you must work to sift through it, but it can be fun work, guided by you and your whims.

I'm not JUST baked and rambling, I DO have an over-arching point that ties into the whole theme of this blog. Part of living successfully and sustainably in a post-civilization world will be through social decentralization. The decentralized mass media allows us to begin participating in the concept. Instead of waiting for civilization's collapse to happen TO us, we can make it something we are in control of through free association and open source information sharing via the digitized world. Groups like this are an example.

So yeah, the old newspapers are starting to collapse and go by-bye. Fuck em. They can't help us transition through the collapse of industrial civilization, peak oil, fiat money, or any of that. The virtual world can. Sure, there are dangers throughout the digitized world, but they are absolutely worth risking, given the unprecedented opportunity we have to connect with each other as free people.

Besides, it's more trees for the planet. I'll trade USA Today for that.


PlanetaryJim said...

Good essay, Travis. Clearly the essayist on suicidegirls was not making much effort to adapt, improvise, nor overcome.

Lots of things are better in private. I enjoy shopping online. Crowds at stores are unpleasant. Sometimes an individual shopper can be a crowd of unpleasantness.

Tuesday there was this woman who had parked her shopping cart athwart the bread aisle and was texting on her phone. Because, you know, it was important for her to block the aisle so everyone would acknowledge that she was important because she had a data-capable smart phone and enough arrogance to believe that anyone wanted to know what she was tweeting. Sheesh. I passed up the opportunity to give her a tactile sense of my impatience, and waited it out with audible sigh. lol

Yeah, I bake my own bread from grains I grow myself and grind in a manual grinder. But I do shopping for my elderly mother on Tuesdays so I can come by and take out her garbage and install food in her kitchen. And she likes Pepperidge Farm. They remember, or something.

You may be too young to remember eighties porn. Cinemas with sticky seats, lots of guys in overcoats, projectionists on acid, lobby carpet that adhered to your shoes. Internet provides more variety, lower cost, complete privacy.

For a time this was also true of gambling, but the state got uptight because they make a huge amount off the marks who go to meat space casinos.

The suicidegirls essayist does a poor job of analysing the classified advert industry. Subscription newspapers stopped having most of the classifieds in the 1990s, which moved to the free newspapers. And I suspect hobos are going to be fine, judging by the very large number of free alternative papers in various bins on offer even in smaller cities.

Centralisation was messy, hierarchical, and a great way to get your business captured by the state. Decentralisation is cleaner, cheaper, distributes power and opportunity more widely, and let's more of us be invisible, invincible, invulnerable. We come and go like the wind. And you should too.

Thanks for keeping people informed.

PlanetaryJim said...

By the way, peak oil, really?

C'mon, dude. BP is incompetent, grotesquely negligent, monstrously privileged by the state, and by selling his stock after finding out about the problems with Deepwater Horizon back in February and well before the spill while taking no action to safeguard the people on the rig, Hayward is arguably guilty of murder. But, really, dude, they seem to have proven rather crudely, but quite effectively, that the oceans have a huge amount of oil and natural gas under them.

The fact that giant, state-privileged, centralised, incompetently managed, environmentally destructive oil companies have managed to get the major governments of the world to create an oligarchy in their industry is interesting, but hardly proves peak oil. The fact that these thugs don't do as much exploration, nor as much drilling, nor as much production doesn't mean that the endlessly replenishing Earth is running out of anything.

It simply further illustrates how centralisation is a poor strategy.

PlanetaryJim said...

*oligarchy s/b oligopoly

G20 Sided Die said...

Thanks for reading, Jim.

A quick note on peak-oil: I don't believe the planet will ever "run out" of oil, only that it will become (has become) so costly to find and extract that centralized infrastructures will begin to collapse (are collapsing) due to the "shortage". Oil production has peaked, and will now begin to decline. I think we could agree that in a freed market there would be market saturation of different energy sources, so fossil fuel production wouldn't be the main anyway.